Welcome to the children’s ministry of Southpointe Church.
From start to finish, we strive to make your time with us a great experience.
Safety is one of our top priorities! Every child is checked in and given a name tag before coming to SPKids.
First time at SPKids? You can download and fill out our Family Information Form before coming, or fill it out at the Check In Booth!
Nursery (Babies and Toddlers)
Sundays (9:30am & 11am) and Wednesdays (7pm)
Our nursery area is a safe and welcoming place for your baby or toddler. All our nursery staff are background checked and trained to provide the BEST care for your child. Sharna Faerber is our Nursery Director.
KinderChurch (3 Years Old – PreK)
Sundays (9:30am & 11am) and Wednesdays (7pm)
KinderChurch is specifically designed for your preschooler! Cooperative play in various centers, story time, music time, fun activities and yummy snacks are par for the course in KinderChurch!
Wins for KinderChurch are:
- God loves me (John 3:16)
- I have a place in God’s family (Galations 3:26)
- God wants me to love others (John 13:34)
SPKids Church (Kindergarten – 5th Grade)
Sundays (9:30am & 11am)
SPKids Church features high energy large group activities like games and worship and great small group activities including Bible lessons, scripture memory, and life application to help your elementary aged child learn more about following Jesus!! You can find out more about SPKids at:
[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”sf-icon-reveal” size=”standard” link=”http://www.facebook.com/SPKidsChurch” target=”_blank” icon=”fa-facebook” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SPKids Facebook[/sf_button] [sf_button colour=”blue” type=”sf-icon-reveal” size=”standard” link=”http://www.southpointeokc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/SPKids-Month-at-a-Glance-2014-08.pdf” target=”_blank” icon=”fa-calendar” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SPKids Month at a Glance[/sf_button]Wins for SPKids Church are:
- God loves me and has a plan for me (John 3:16; Romans 8:28)
- I worship God with the choices I make and the way I live (Romans 12:1)
Mpact Girls Club (Girls Kindergarten – 5th Grade)
Wednesdays (7pm)
Mpact is a great GIRLS ONLY time for elementary girl! Girls work to earn badges by doing activities and memorizing scripture verses. Sleepovers and fun activities happen each quarter to foster positive relationships and self image in these beautiful daughters of God!
Rangers Boys Club (Boys Kindergarten – 5th Grade)
Wednesdays (7pm)
Rangers also work to earn badges by doing activities and memorizing scripture–but that is just the beginning! They learn how to tie knots and build outdoor kitchens, go camping, throw tomahawks and much, much more–all with goal of raising up Christ-like men and lifelong servant leaders!!
If you have any questions regarding any of the SPKids ministries, click here to email Children’s Pastor Sarah Dunn.
It’s important for you to know that, if for any reason, we need to get a hold of you during the worship experience, we will do so through a parent alert. The ID number from your pick up tag will appear on the screens in the auditorium, letting you know that we need you for something.
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