At the core of any business, movement or church lie the beliefs that drive everything. Below are the seven core values that guide our messages, drive our ministries and give birth to our outreaches at Southpointe.
7 Core Values
The Seven Core Values of Southpointe Church have been our foundation since the beginning. They are meant not only to be descriptive of what we value as a church but also to be prescriptive in developing followers of Christ.
Transformational Living – We believe that following Christ brings transformation in every area of life. Through God’s power we allow Him to shape and mold every element of our life from the inside out to become more of who he created us to be in this world and for this world. This is a life long journey.
- Romans 12:1-2 – 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
- Hear more on Transformational Living here.
Potential – At Southpointe we are about narrowing the gap between who you are now and who God created you to be…your full potential. Jesus came to earth not only for our eternal life but also to show us how to live life now and live life fully. We exist to help people reach the full life potential that God intended for you when you were created.
- John 10:10 – “…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
- Hear more on Potential here.
Community – Southpointe believes God did not create us to live life alone and that the church is a family. God is a relational God and has always existed in relationship with others, and we are created in his image to do the same. We believe in friendship, walking through life together, praying for each other, caring for each other’s needs, expressing God’s love to the world together and sharing our lives.
- Genesis 2:18 – “The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.”
- Hear more on Community here.
Generous Living – We believe that EVERYTHING we have is a generous gift from God to us, and that our number one priority in where we use the time we have, the finances we possess and the abilities we’ve been given is in generously giving back and serving into God’s work on earth.
Church Seven Days a Week – The church is not a building, it is people, and we believe the people are more than a one-day event. Southpointe exists to be the love and hope of Christ to the community and the world not one day a week, but seven days a week in our homes, jobs, schools, communities, hobbies and anywhere that we interact with people.
- Acts 2:42-47
- Hear more on Church Seven Days a Week here.
Justice – We believe in the Bible’s call to justice for all people and that we are to be an intricate part of bringing justice to the poor, oppressed, fatherless, widow and those in need.
- Isaiah 58:6-10
- The Tapestry Project
- International Justice Mission
- Charity Water – Check out our projects here
- Regional Food Bank
- Hear more on Justice here.
Missions – Jesus’ last command was to share the message of Christianity with the world. Southpointe actively partners with missions organizations both locally and internationally to fulfill the mandate of Christ to love the world through sharing the hope and message of the gospel.
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- Mark 16:15 – He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
- One Child Matters – Choluteca, Honduras
- Mark & Helba Lemos – Brazil
- Bill & Wendy Snyder – Kansas XA
- Trent & Tina Morrow – Uruguay
- Jason & Roberta Roberts – Chiapas, Mexico
- Hear more on Missions here.